Graham Topp
Volunteer Librarian
Graham became a volunteer at the Music Mill after moving to Kingston in 2022.
This followed a 33-year career as a teacher and administrator in Hong Kong. He taught high school History, English Literature, Computer Technology and many other subjects. He also lived and worked in Shanghai for three years while helping to open a new international school.
He studied History and English at the University of New Brunswick/St. Thomas and Education at McGill. He and his wife now live in Kingston and have two daughters, one at McGill and the other teaching in Hong Kong.
Being a musician and composer since the 1970s, he loves the novel idea of a musical lending library and jumped at the chance to contribute to this worthy cause. He plays regularly with his band the Retrokings.
The Mill is not his only volunteer activity. He is an English teacher at KEYS and a crossing guard.
He enjoys being part of the super friendly Joe's Music Mill team.
Music is the universal language of mankind.

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